Catalyst Vineyard Church


Drawing from John Wimber’s book Power Evangelism and the teachings in the New Testament we will explore how God can empower us with the Holy Spirit to provide a presentation of the good news of Jesus that Wimber defined as “rational and that also transcends the rational … a spontaneous, Spirit-inspired, empowered presentation of the gospel (that […]

Come Holy Spirit

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting Come Holy Spirit Message Notes Download The ‘Fasting Basics’ Guide Download The Participant’s Guide


Jesus’ resurrection launched a series of events that introduced the world to his new covenant and new hope. But old ways don’t easily give way. Not then. Not now. (1) STAND ALONE – Sunday, April 28th The reason for our faith in Jesus – and thus our hope – is the resurrection.If you were raised on […]

Let All Things Rise

Rooted in the new song lyrics of Vineyard Worship’s All Things Rise this series centers around the historic goodness of God and His creative power personified in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and his new creation. (1) FREE & BOUNDLESS – Sunday, April 7th The Lord is good! In fact, God’s goodness is […]

What Happy Couples Know

Does it ever seem like every couple around you has it all together, while you can’t even agree on what’s for dinner? Wanna know the secret?  (1) Nothing – Sunday, March 10th A great marriage doesn’t happen by accident. It requires care and regular maintenance. But sometimes we don’t want to make the effort.  As […]

Hope in the Dark

Can God be good when life is not? When life hits hard, it plunges us into a sea of questions we hoped we’d never have to ask. But when you feel broken, abandoned, and are struggling to find answers, there’s a beacon in the storm. This message series focuses on the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk, and […]

Me & My Big Mouth

Open mouth . . . insert foot. Don’t we all wish we could avoid that scenario? Our words can get us into all kinds of trouble, because words are powerful.They influence the direction and quality of our lives and the direction and quality of the lives of those around us. That’s why James, the Lord’s […]

Through the Eyes of a Lion

When we face pain, suffering and loss, they change the story we have planned for our lives.  These life realities can end our dreams. But what does pain, suffering and loss look like when we try to see the world as God sees the world, and to do as God says?  This one-and-done message will focus on the eye-opening truth of how Jesus […]

Welcome to Wonderland

Welcome to Wonderland What do you wonder? We all have a framework that helps us make sense out of life. It helps us make decisions that make sense. But we wonder about some things because our frame of reference doesn’t provide all the answers. (1) CENTER OF THE WORLD – Sunday, December 2nd We wonder […]