As a believer, or christian leader, the desire and the passion you have to reach out to family, friends and community with the gospel of Jesus is a demonstration of the heart of God in you to see many people come to the knowledge of Christ and therefore have life eternal. This is in line with what Jesus commanded us, “…to go and make disciples.” You could have asked yourself, “How do I do it?” Or, “Why don’t I see fruit?” Join Dr. Aila Tasse, as he...
As a believer, or christian leader, the desire and the passion you have to reach out to family, friends...
Jesus came and told his disciples (his closest followers), “I have been given all authority (power) in...
What is Church? The English word “church” comes from the Greek word “ekklesia,” which means “a gathering”...
The premise of this DBS Series is that the combination of both Power Encounters, the supernatural demonstration...
Creation to Christ Creation to Christ narrates God’s unfolding love story with mankind from the...
Breaking Barriers – God’s Mission of Reconciliation The Bible is filled with stories and letters...
Greatest of All Time – 10 Stories of the Greatest Man to Ever Live The historian H. G. Wells said...
The Kingdom Parables – A Discovery Bible Series Jesus used parables or what we would call relatable...
How to Start a Discovery Bible Study: 10 Stories of Hope 10 Stories of Hope will help you to discover...