Catalyst Vineyard Church

Football Sunday 2020

Sunday, february 2nd Join us for Football Sunday 2020 to hear amazing real life stories from NFL players Prince Amukamara, Nate Solder and Benjamin Watson, along with Kansas City Chief and San Francisco 49ers team members playing in Super Bowl 54. Find out why standing “shoulder-to-shoulder” can make a difference in your faith journey. Watch […]

The Bible for Grown-Ups

While many of us know some Bible stories, most of us don’t know The Bible Story. Big difference. The backstory of how we got the Bible gives us a way to approach it that begins with something other than “In the beginning …”. This way to approach the Bible makes it far more difficult to discount […]

The Unsettling Solution for Just About Everything

When Jesus was on the earth, people were attracted to him. They were drawn by his unique and powerful message. One word explains why people through the ages have responded so passionately to what Jesus said and did. That word is grace. (1) UNDESERVABLE: Sunday, December 1st There is an unsettling solution for just about everything, and wecan […]

Giving Thanks

(1) Giving thanks: Sunday, november 24th Join us for a one-and-done message from guest speaker, Chuck Tompkins, to learn the practice of giving thanks.

Be Rich 2019

give serve love Ever stood in front of a closet full of clothes trying to find something to wear? Ever killed some time talking on your cell phone while standing in line to get the newer version of the same phone? Ever go shopping just to relax? If your answer to any of those questions […]

Not Forsaken

This series invites you to understand the character of God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing. You see, God is not the bigger version of your earthly dad, He’s the perfect version of your earthly dad. And He’s inviting you to walk […]

I See A Cloud

(1) i see a cloud: Sunday, september 22nd There is a story in the bible about Elijah, that he believed for rain, though the sky was clear. He had his servant look again and again, seven times Elijah said, “Go back” and there was nothing to see but Elijah prayed and trusted and prayed, then […]

The Big Hug: The Key to a Vibrant Life

(1) the big hug: Sunday, september 15th We all battle insecurity and anxiety to one degree or another.  Many of us are slaving for the acceptance and approval of others. Is there a way to overcome these things and have a true sense of inner well-being? Yes, Jesus showed us how… with the Father’s Big […]

Wild Good Chase – The Hunt for More

Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit – An Geadh-Glas, or the Wild Goose. The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tamed or caged. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround His presence. Following the Spirit will take you to places you never could […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future

Most personal problems can’t be fixed. We can cope, overcome, or move on, but the past is the past. The good news is you can learn to avoid what can be avoided so there’s less to cope with later.  You just need The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future. (1) THE PRINCIPLE OF THE PATH: Sunday, […]