Jesus’ resurrection launched a series of events that introduced the world to his new covenant and new hope. But old ways don’t easily give way. Not then. Not now.
(1) STAND ALONE – Sunday, April 28th
The reason for our faith in Jesus – and thus our hope – is the resurrection.If you were raised on a version of Christianity that relied on the Bible as the foundation of faith, a version that was eventually dismantled by academia or the realities of life, maybe it’s time to for you to reconsider the version of faith that stands on Jesus and His resurrection alone.
(2) MIX ’N MATCH – Sunday, May 5th
Jesus was irresistible. People from all different backgrounds were drawn to him. But as the early church was forming, there was a tendency to mix and match their familiar old religious traditions rather than live by Jesus’ new covenant and his new commandment. Sometimes we do the same.
(3) NOT DIFFICULT – Sunday, May 12th
While Christianity draws many roots from the Old Testament, the early days of the New Testament church were marked by radical decisions that would set it on a new trajectory. These decisions continue to shape and challenge the church today to remove every unnecessary barrier to the person and message of Jesus. This gospel message is for all people – an invitation to everyone. This new covenant is far less complicated (difficult) but far more demanding than the old covenant.