Catalyst Vineyard Church


give serve love

Ever stood in front of a closet full of clothes trying to find something to wear? Ever killed some time talking on your cell phone while standing in line to get the newer version of the same phone? Ever go shopping just to relax? If your answer to any of those questions is yes, you might be rich. No, you probably don’t feel rich. Rich is the other guy. Rich is having more than you currently have. The problem is that you can be rich and not feel it. In fact if you have a $33,000+ household income you are in the top 1% of wage earners in the world. Generosity and compassion were hallmarks of the early church. The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to “Command those who are rich in this present world … to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. – 1 Timothy 6:17-18 

Join us for our annual three-part Be Rich message series and giving campaign where we show our community that our faith is about more than sermons and songs by encouraging one another to give, serve and love generously.

(1) Now or never: Sunday november 3rd

Chances are good that if you’re reading this, you’re in the 1% club. By international standards, you’re rich! Of course, you may not feel rich, but the truth is it’s time to start giving while you’re living because what you’re holding is molding! This month we’re going to encourage each other to Be Rich by being extravagantly generous. After all, our extravagant generosity towards others is the most appropriate response to God’s extravagant generosity towards us.

Let’s all take the advise of James, Jesus’ brother, and start giving while the giving’s good!

Now or Never Message Notes

(2) HOPE HEALS: Sunday November 10th

Our devotion to God is demonstrated and authenticated by our love for others. Second Wind Cottages founder, Carmen Guidi, shares his story about what happens when an everyday believer abandons his or her “checklist Christianity” faith to live on the edge. Carmen offered friendship,advocacy and basic survival needs to build hope and restoration into the lives of the homeless encampment known as the The Jungle in Ithaca.

Second Wind Cottages joins The Salvation Army of Ithaca as our 2019 local nonprofit partners.

(3) GOD IS LOVE: Sunday November 17th

Maybe the most simple thing we’ve ever learned about God is also the most complex: God is love. It’s a hard truth for us to understand because we’re influenced by so many other views of him. So how does it work exactly? And what do we do with that transforming love once we recognize it?

The way of love, the way of Jesus, is far less complicated than the law, butfar, far more demanding. Let’s all learn how to ask ourselves this question: What does love require of me

God Is Love Message Notes