At the heart of the Christian faith is this idea: in Jesus, God became one of us and dwelt among us. When it comes to those around us who are hurting and in need, the God who dwelt among us calls his followers to be hands on.
Our devotion to God is demonstrated and authenticated by our love for others. Extravagant generosity toward others is the appropriate response to God’s extravagant generosity toward us.
Let’s show our community that our faith isn’t just sermons and songs.
Let’s Be Rich.
Let’s give, serve, and love.
(1) ANGRY JESUS – Sunday November 11th
Anger is an emotion we try to get rid of or to manage. That’s because we usually get angry about things like not getting our way. But did you know Jesus got angry too? His anger was different, though. It was about something more significant than his wounded pride.
(2) BEING GREAT – Sunday November 18th
It’s in all of us to want to be great. According to Jesus, there’s nothing wrong with that. He defines it differently than you might think and makes it more possible than most would imagine.
(3) LOVE vs. EVERYTHING – Sunday November 25th
We all assume that we can behave and confess our way into a barrier-free relationship with God. If we sin against someone, we can just pray for God’s forgiveness and we’ll be back in his good graces. But what if God wants more from us than vertical morality? What if he cares about our horizontal relationships?